If you're a virtuoso, your "tools of the trade" effortlessly channel your intent, spirit, and expression to your medium. 如果您是一位艺术品鉴赏家,您的交易工具可以毫不费力地引导您的意图、精神、以及对媒介的表达。
Novel Trading Limited, therefore, spent two years getting through the petroleum trade channel, and also spent another two years the financial channel! 所以永创公司永两年的时间打通了石油的贸易通道,又花了两年的时间打通金融的通道!
The trade plies across the Channel every day. 这条商船每天定期驶过英吉利海峡。
A very effective exit technique calls for a long-term channel to be implemented at the beginning of the trade with the length of the channel gradually shortened as larger profits are accumulated. 一个有效的止损技术是在交易初期使用长周期的通道止损策略,然后随着账面利润的逐渐累积逐步缩短通道止损策略的时间周期。
Technology trade as a channel of the technology transfer, has played an important role in the LDC's economic growth and technical progress. 技术贸易作为技术转让的一种途径,在有效推动欠发达国家经济增长和技术进步中起着重要的作用。
On the Announcement of Credit Accounting Information by Domestic Commercial Banks Credit insurance for domestic trade: a new financing channel 我国商业银行贷款会计信息披露现状及改进企业融资新渠道&中国信保向市场推出内贸险产品
Our empirical research demonstrates that taking import trade as the spillover channel, there is a long-run equilibrium relation between domestic RD, RD of spillovers of trade partners and the total factor productivity. 结果表明,通过进口贸易传导机制,国内研发、贸易伙伴国溢出的研发与我国全要素生产率之间存在着稳定的长期均衡关系;
Import trade is a kind of channel of international technology spillover. 进口贸易是技术的一种主要溢出渠道。
Expand the agricultural product market and expedite the agricultural product trade channel. 开拓市场,理顺流通渠道。
, on the other side, the diversity of competition policies of different nations is also a threat of trade liberalization, it is a tendency that RBPs is replacing the traditional trade barrier blocking business channel. 在另一方面,各自为政的竞争政策也正在威胁着贸易自由化进程,国内反竞争行为已有取代传统贸易壁垒阻塞商业渠道的趋势。
This text research of our country information number produce product trade main distribution channel, explain and analyse from the structure of the distribution channel and two respects of the behavior of channel members mainly. 本文研究了我国信息数码产品行业主要的分销渠道,主要从分销渠道的结构和渠道成员的行为两个方面进行阐述和分析。
From the view of theory, new trade and growth theories explain the domino effect of spillovers of import trade and consider that as a channel of technology spillover, import trade can indirectly promote domestic technology. 从理论角度看,新贸易理论和新增长理论对进口贸易的技术溢出效应进行了阐释,认为进口贸易作为国际技术溢出渠道,能够间接地促进本国的技术进步。
Credit insurance for domestic trade: a new financing channel 企业融资新渠道&中国信保向市场推出内贸险产品
This article carries on the theoretical analysis and elaborates the theory about the influence of the exchange rate on the trade and the channel of the exchange rate influence trade revenue and expenditure. 首先进行的是理论分析,阐述了汇率变动对贸易影响的理论发展,和汇率变动影响贸易收支的渠道。
To establish a consummate and high efficient trade channel has strategical significance in increasing the market competitive strength of Chinese medical trade enterprises, and to gain the benefits in advance in Chinese huge medical consuming market in future. 建立高效、完善的现代化的OTC药品营销体系对增强我国OTC药品生产企业和流通企业的市场竞争能力,在中国未来巨大的药品消费市场赢得先机,具有十分重要的战略意义。
And most of the pharmaceutical manufacturers mainly produce prescribed drug, so how to design the medical trade channel of OTC drugs, especially to design the medical trade channel of OTC drugs that accord with the developing trend of medical trade channel has stronger realistic significance. 其中较多制药企业既往以生产处方药为主,如何进行OTC药品营销渠道设计,尤其是进行符合医药营销渠道发展趋势的OTC药品渠道设计,具有较强的实践意义。
So, to correctly recognize the developing direction and trend of Chinese medical trade channel has important significance. 因此,正确认识中国OTC药品营销渠道的发展方向和发展趋势意义重大。
Therefore, the private overseas trade was the only channel to keep the bilateral relations which was of great political significance. 这样,双方的私人贸易就成为中日保持交往的惟一通道,其意义已经超越了贸易本身。
International trade is an important channel between countries. Import and export products including carbon dioxide pass one country to another. 国际贸易是国家间往来的重要通道,同时国家间进出口贸易中还蕴含着碳排放转嫁的内在机制。
The trend of large-scale, professional and high-speed ships is clear with the development of world international trade, which makes the port channel a higher design requirements especially in the conditions of its navigation and navigation standards. 随着世界贸易的发展,船舶的大型化、专业化和高速化发展的趋势非常明显,这使得船舶在进出港航道时对其通航条件及通航尺度提出了更高的设计要求。
Secondly, Promote the construction of the China-Pakistan economic and trade cooperation and energy channel construction. 其次,加强中巴经济与贸易合作以及能源通道建设。
Marketing channel is also called trade channel, which is the channel that the products or services move through to ultimate consumer directly or indirectly. 营销渠道(marketingchannel),也称为营销网络或者贸易渠道(tradechannel)。是产品或服务从生产者向最后消费者移动时直接或间接转移所有权所经过的途径。
In the fourth part, we have got some conclusions. Firstly, import trade is the most important channel of international technology spillover; Secondly, the effect of import technology spillover depends on the domestic absorption capacity. 第四部分给出了本文的主要结论,一是进口贸易是中国吸收国际技术溢出的重要渠道;二是进口技术溢出效果依赖于国内的吸收能力。
At last, the paper proposed the solutions to the obstacles of the building of Sino-Russian trade channel and logistics network. 最后,对前文所指出的关于建设贸易大通道与物流网络面临的障碍,提出针对性的解决对策。
Trade finance as an important channel of financing, to finance through this channel, favored by more and more enterprises. 贸易融资作为重要的融资渠道之一,受到越来越多的企业青睐。
Finally, in the middle of Ming dynasty, the tribute trade declined and the Sino-Japanese tribute trade even broken off. So there was huge trade demand but without a legal trade channel. 最后,在明朝中期,官方的朝贡贸易走向衰落,而中日之间的朝贡贸易更是彻底断绝,双方有巨大的贸易需求,但却缺少一条正常的贸易渠道。
As for Chinese industrial enterprises that carry out exporting trade, the marketing channel is more important because of the deficiency in product development, funds and talents. 对于开展出口贸易的中国企业而言,由于在产品研发、资金、人才等方面都存在不足,如何与国外中间商建立稳定的渠道关系,形成有效的营销渠道就更为重要。
International trade as one of the main channel connection between foreign markets and domestic producers, it plays a very important role the industry trade. 国际贸易企业作为连接国外市场和国内生产商的主要渠道之一,在行业贸易中起着非常重要的作用。
Import trade is an important channel for technology spillover whose effect is directly related to the trade structure. 进口贸易是技术溢出的一个重要渠道,技术溢出效应的大小与贸易结构有着直接的关系。
New trade theory and new growth theory point out that technology progress can support the growth of economy while export trade is an important channel of promoting technology progress. 新贸易与增长理论指出技术进步是一国经济增长的长期源泉,而出口贸易是促进国内技术进步的重要渠道。